The Real Estate Ice Age is Coming – Hilarious Video!May 3, 2011 By Todd BreenEvery so often I see a video that makes me smile, and even some that make me laugh! This mockumentary does both, and will definitely make you think about how much our industry is changing. This video took me back to 1969 when my Dad went into real estate: old typewriters, printed MLS books, and who could forget their trusty spiral bound Dolph’s Map? Times have sure changed haven’t they? Now we have smart phones, tablets and GPS’s that actually tell us when to turn to get where we’re going.Kudos to Sue Eller from for creating such a fun video! What a great way to position herself as a real estate agent that understands and uses technology. With the advent of YouTube and simple real estate video tour lessons, rest assured the industry will keep on changing; but will we?