Review of HTC EVO smartphone for real estate video toursOctober 24, 2011 By Todd BreenMany of you know that my preferred video camera happens to be the iPhone4. Why? It’s an amazing camcorder and I always have it with me!Those of you who don’t use the iPhone often ask us to review other smartphones, so here’s a sample video tour with an HTC EVO:Real Estate Tour Video Using an HTC EVO The clarity of the video is quite good as is the usability. However, there is one fatal flaw with this device for real estate video tours!HTC EVO Has Poor Response to Lighting:Notice how poor the automatic back light setting is! It ‘clicks’ its way from brighter to darker as it adjusts to compensate for the strong light coming through the windows. A good camcorder will compensate for that much more smoothly and proactively!While the EVO may be a great smartphone, it’s definitely not a world class video camera like the iPhone4!Speaking of which, I just got my new iPhone4s. With a far advanced camera and a myriad of additional features, I can’t wait to try it out on some video tours.Look for my review of this device coming soon!