Who Watches More Video Tours: Men or Women?February 25, 2011 By Todd BreenWomen watch TWICE as many real estate video tours as men!Marketers have long recognized that women ‘lead the way’ when it comes to shopping for a home. The chart to the right is from my real estate company YouTube channel, and reveals women not only shop our home tours more than men, they do so by a margin of 2-to-1!What does that mean to us as real estate marketers? As they say in Hollywood, ‘you gotta play to your audience‘!Whether creating interesting content for a male or female viewer, there are fundamentals that remain constant for both genders:Speak with a cheerful and positive tone – this is where the viewer is going to live, so look at the property as if you were touring the property where your close friend or relative will live. Talk as if you are describing the property to a female friend – odds are 2-to-1 you will be!Be sure to connect with the ‘look and feel’ of the home you are filming. Buying or renting a home is an emotional event in the lives of our viewers, so be sure to offer perspectives that help the viewers to connect and see themselves living there.Check the weather forecast when planning to film. Remember the lyrics to the Carpenters song ‘Rainy days and Mondays always get me down’? A cloudy, wet day gets people down so we should try to film on a ‘sunny’ day whenever possible. Blue skies, rich colors and well lit rooms convey a ‘sunny’ place to live.These tips and more can be found in our real estate video tour training , where you will learn what to say – and also what NOT to say in your video tours.Tune in next week when we’ll share the results of a new project we’ve developed with the help of a new consultant Dr. David Peterzell, PhD. Working with this expert in visual and cognitive neuroscience, we’ve formulated ways to make our video tours 4 times more memorable! Why is that important?FACT: When deciding which homes to go and see, the average home shopper views over 100 homes online. That’s a lot to remember!While photos and text connect with one type of memory, our new methods reach all four of the long term memory systems we use to remember which homes we want to see – and ultimately live in!Stay tuned…Todd Breen The Video Tour Coach