Melbourne Real Estate Sees Video Marketing SuccessSeptember 12, 2012 By Todd BreenMelbourne Real Estate, a property management company based in Melbourne Australia, is the newest addition to the Virtually Incredible list of success stories.Peter Hooymans, the man behind this powerful Melbourne property management services company, decided only a month ago to give this whole video marketing thing a go.Video Optimization ServicesThe Virtually Incredible crew immediately set to work hand-in-hand with Peter’s team. After setting up the company’s YouTube channel, we assisted them in populating it with extremely-optimized video tours. There are close to 50 videos now. Additionally, we helped launch and optimize their first promo video shown below.Melbourne Property Management Promo Video Over 16,000 video views in a month!Go to the actual video page of this promo video, and you will notice a whopping 16000+ video views.Look at the upload date and you will see that the video was uploaded less than a month ago. Add two and two together, and you will come to realize that this video went viral in a short span of time. Quite amazingly!Video Optimization StrategiesThrough our optimization strategies and tireless efforts to promote the video in order to capture and captivate Melbourne Real Estate’s target demographic, a little magic appeared out of nowhere and the video went viral in an instant. This pace continues as it is generating close to 150 to 200 views a day.The credit doesn’t go out solely to the Virtually Incredible team. We attribute a lot of the video’s success to Melbourne Real Estate’s own marketing efforts and the actual content they came up with which included a mix of professionalism, cool visual effects, and a hip, catchy soundtrack. This exceptional promo video is moving up Google’s ranks, and once it stabilizes and starts to dominate on searches using a selection of high traffic, laser-targeted keywords, the company will enjoy the benefits of this increased exposure.If you are looking to learn from what has been done for Melbourne Real Estate in terms of video optimization, I highly suggest scanning through the selection of video content on their Melbourne Real Estate YouTube channel.Interested in connecting with Peter and his team?You can do so by checking out the Melbourne Real Estate website. If you liked what you saw in their promo video, drop them a line by leaving a comment or a video response on the video page.Are You Ready to Add Video Marketing To Your Business?If you like what the Virtually Incredible team has done for Melbourne Property Management, contact us for a free consultation and we will get the ball rolling on your next cost-effective online marketing campaign.