Training Makes All the Difference in Real Estate Video ToursJuly 12, 2013 By Todd BreenOccasionally an article like “More Crappy Real Estate Video Tours” comes along and pokes fun at agents who are just trying to offer their clients more. Take a quick look at the video in the article.Real Estate Video Training Can Make All The DifferenceA little training and practice goes a long way. Agents would be amazed at what they can do with lessons, good equipment and practice. See a few examples of the results from our clients below:Examples of Beautiful, Informative Real Estate Video ToursMelbourne Real Estate is one of our seasoned training graduates and Video Mastery clients. They prove that you can make your own professional tours quickly at an affordable price. We love the Video Tours of, they help lease properties faster, with fewer inspections, to tenants that are already 90% sold on the properties. Plus, landlords love the fact that they get regular videos of their investment properties.” Stephen Fitzsimon – Melbourne Real Estate Larsen Properties is one of our more recent clients producing great video tours. We use the Virtually Incredible team to optimize our video placements. It gives our videos a professional look and makes us look as good as possible.” Brad Larsen – Larsen PropertiesVideo Tours that CommunicateYour typical video offering from most includes a slideshow and some really horrible music. These videos aren’t informative. You can see the videos above not only give a potential renters/buyer a complete 360 walk through as if they were there, but it is also packed full of details about the house. Details you don’t get in a slideshow.Quality real estate video tours:Save you and your potential renters/buyers timeShow the property for you 24/7Allow more people to see the property – so time to sell or rent is reducedReal Estate Video Training:Teaches you how to talk and walk while filmingShows you what features to emphasize during a walkthroughTrains you on how to prep a house in minutes to ensure the best filming conditionsGet started with your Video Training now