Why You Should Do Videos for Your Marketing and InspectionsApril 20, 2017 By Todd Breen Megan Breen discusses the benefits of using videos for marketing in your property management business.1) MarketingCuts your time-on-marketSEO benefitSaves you time! When a potential renters previews the property via video, you can reduce the number of wasted trips to show the property only to find out they don’t like the layout.Saves potential renter’s time! Everyone loves the ability to preview the property and narrow down choices without running all over town.Increases the number of times a property is viewed. It is easier to get video in front of hundreds of potential renters.2) Move-In Move-Out InspectionsProving the condition of the property in court or to avoid court.Helps get $ from owners for maintenance – especially out of town owners that can’t inspect the property themselves.Train your staff with our FREE training todayInspection Video Training Video Tour Walkthrough Training