3 Ways to Use Video to Stand Out in your Real Estate MarketApril 13, 2021 By Todd BreenMegan Breen shares three ways Home Property Management in West Palm Beach uses video to stand out from the competition. Learn how to use video for inspections, updates for owners, and video walkthrough tours of your properties. 1) Entry and Exit Videos for a Rental PropertyIt is standard practice at Home Property Management to film a video walkthrough of a property before a tenant moves in. This video documents the condition of the property at the beginning of the lease. When the tenant moves out, an exit video is also recorded. If there is any dispute over security deposit charges, these videos serve as proof of the condition of the property before and after the tenant occupied it.Most of the time, this prevents the back and forth conversations with a tenant over the security deposit. If they disagree with a charge, showing them the before and after videos tends to end that conversation. Not only can this help you stay out of court, it can help you win if you do. It is hard to argue with videos documenting a property’s condition when they are done thoroughly.Ready to start filming your own entry and exit videos?We have FREE training to teach you how to shoot property condition videos. In this training, we teach you how to record each part of the home to fully document the condition. We have been using this same training for years to train our own staff. Train your whole team for FREE!2) Video Updates for Property OwnersFor out-of-town owners, a video of their property can reassure them that everything is being taken care of. When repairs are needed, we record a video at their property and point out the issues that need to be addressed. Owners really appreciate seeing it for themselves and can better understand the urgency of a situation vs. you just telling them something needs to be done. You are going to get better cooperation from owners when you show them a video that explains the recommended repairs.Video is especially beneficial for remote investors and helps them feel informed.We have had out-of-town owners who have never seen their property get emotional and exited when we send them an update video. You are their eyes and ears when it comes to the property, and video can make the owners feel as if they are walking the property right along with you. It is easy to point out things that need to be fixed, and it is also a unique opportunity to build rapport with your owners.A video update video can help you get repairs approved; even from the most reluctact owners.3) Video Walkthrough Tours of Rental PropertyThere are so many advantages to using video walkthroughs to market rental property. Here are a few:Set yourself apart from the competition.Lease the property faster.Make a great first impression for new owners.Pre-lease property using a video on file in advance of the current tenant moving out.Pre-qualify people that are interested by having them watch the video first.Easy marketing tool to share via social media or an email.Get the property in front of more eyes.Increase your Google ranking with optimized video tours.Our experience using video in our property management companyAt Home Property Management, we are one of the only companies using video in our market, so it gives us a unique point of difference. Video allows us to lease our properties faster because we are able to have more people virtually tour the property. We only physically show our properties to people who have viewed the walkthrough video and are interested. This means our staff as well as potential tenants don’t waste time touring a home that is immediately dismissed because of the layout or other features. Potential tenants love the fact that they can view properties from the comfort of home on their own time and narrow down the list of properties they actually want to see in person.Video has also played an important part when it comes to our Google ranking.Optimized video is an important part of our SEO strategy. Our videos are optmized by VirtuallyinCredible’s Video Optimization team. We upload a video to our YouTube channel and have the optimized video completed the next day. We use optimized videos on our website to strengthen the on-page signal for keywords and locations we are targeting.We have FREE training for video walkthrough tours where we show you not only how to show the property but what to say while you are filming. With 360 tours becoming more popular and affordable, we have 360 video training as well. Learn more about VirtuallyinCredible’s Video Optimization Services and request a demo today.