STEP 1: Implementing Videos in your Property Management Company
Video SEO Services
$97/month + $25/video
$97 sign-up fee
30-day Money Back Guarantee
Note: Charges will appear on your bill as 'Home Property Management'
STEP 2: FAQ and Subscribing to the Video Mastery Service
If you plan on shooting video walkthroughs yourself, continue on to Step 3.
If you are only planning on using our virtual tours services, skip to Step 6
In this video, Todd answers frequently-asked questions about the reasons our Video Mastery Service should be considered by your company. While it may be easy enough to shoot a video and then upload it yourself on You Tube or post it on your Google Page, it is definitely better to have professionals go the extra mile by adding an intro and outro with your company name, logo and contact numbers, optimizing said video and uploading it to your You Tube channel and posting it on your Google Pages, complete with keyword optimization so you can really target your market.
STEP 3: The Advantage of Having the Right Equipment
Learn the about the preferred equipment to use when shooting a walkthrough or a property condition video. Learn which equipment is best to use in particular scenarios. The right equipment can produce really great videos to get your properties sold or rented fast.
It is important to get your staff their own gear for shooting videos. Think of it as an investment, because you will need to monetize these videos. It is going to be well-worth the expense of getting each staff member who will be shooting videos their own gear, rather than having them share one rig which can eventually break down from so much use.
Where to get the equipment in the video
HDHat Store - Mark Passerby
(517) 896-4376
- Video Light Kit - 160 LED Light + Camera Bracket for the Samsung Galaxy Camera
- The specially designed Video Tour Rig
Note: Use the code VISAVE at checkout, and save 5%!
Where to get equipment in Australia
STEP 4: Learn to Shoot Video Walkthrough Tours
Once you have your equipment and have briefed your staff on how to use them, the next step is to go online and check out VirtuallyinCredible's training videos on how to shoot walkthrough video tours and property condition reports, two separate, easy-to-follow training videos that you can go through with your staff. It will take time but with lots of practice, you'll soon be rock stars at shooting videos that will bring in more business for your business!
STEP 6: Evaluating your YouTube and Google+ Business Page
YouTube and Google+ Creation
It is always a major plus to have your business ranking in Google! VirtuallyinCredible is able to help you with that by setting up your You Tube channel and Google Plus pages where your video tours can be seen and liked by your clients both potential and existing. Going through all the proper channels and setting everything up right for maximum exposure is definitely a business boost you can't do without!
Reach out to Videos@VirtuallyinCredible for free evaluation of your social media accounts!
STEP 7: Branding your Videos
Once you place your order to the right, send all the available versions of your company logo to Videos@VirtuallyinCredible along with your website and phone number. Keep in touch with us for your requests and revisions!
OPTIONAL: $100 for customized intro and outro clips!
No amount of logos on your letterheads can be enough to brand your business and make people remember you. At VirtuallyinCredible, you get an intro and outro to your videos that feature your logo and company name, contact numbers, address and words that encourage or entice people to list with you. When property owners see this, they will think of it as a very clever marketing idea and with this, you will get the branding you need for your business to gain more business!
Not signed up for Video SEO Services yet? Get started now!
Video SEO Services
$97/month + $25/video
$97 sign-up fee
30-day Money Back Guarantee
Note: Charges will appear on your bill as 'Home Property Management'