Do I need a full-time virtual assistant, a call center, or both? Do I need a full-time virtual assistant, a call center, or both?Answer these four questions in 30 seconds and get a recommendation 1. How many units do you manage? Less than 25 25-75 75-150 150-450 450-1000 1000+ None 2. What are you trying to accomplish? Select all that apply. Scale or Growth Obtain more positive online reviews Time management/work-life balance Support in-house team and reduce burnout 3. Select all that you would like assistance with? General Admin Assistance Application Processing Answering incoming calls All phases of the leasing cycles Maintenance Coordination Executive Assistant 4. How quickly do you need assistance? ASAP Within the next 1-2 weeks Within 30-60 days Gathering info for future scaling or staffing needs None Previous Start Quiz Next Time's up