Congrats to the team at HoustonRPM for becoming a Certified Internet Videographer!June 8, 2015 By Todd BreenHome shoppers LOVE video walkthrough tours! But every property manager who wants to shoot them knows these tours are ‘just outside of our comfort zone’… Everything we want is just outside our comfort zone” Robert Allen, The One Minute Millionaire: The Enlightened Way to Wealth When the team at HoustonRPM decided it was time to […]
Improving Your Team’s Video Tours With Training and FeedbackMay 30, 2014 By Todd BreenVideo tours don’t have to be perfect, but there are some key techniques that make all the difference in the quality/appearance as well as how helpful it is to the potential renter/buyer watching it. We asked for a few highlights from our staff of video trainers that help our clients improve their video tour skills […]
Rent or Sell Property Faster Using VideoMay 29, 2014 By Todd Breen“Consumers interact with video listings in a completely different manner to traditional pictorial listings because they can often be more engaging and are able to be easily shared via social media,” said chairman and owner of Century 21 Australasia Charles Tarbey. – From Real Estate Business article In fact they claim the properties with video […]
Using Video Tours in Your Property Management CompanyMay 14, 2014 By Todd is the leading competitor to Craigslist. Check out what advice they gave their advertisers: “It’s really easy to use your smart phone to upload your video directly to your posting. Don’t worry about it not being perfect. Users like content to be more real anyway.” The world is ready for reality videos. We don’t […]
Todd Breen Featured on Real Estate UncutOctober 12, 2012 By Todd BreenIn advance of an upcoming speaking tour with Bob Walters in Australia at Re-Engineering Rent Roll Growth, I did a phone interview with Real Estate Uncut for a segment called “Do Something Unique.” I discuss how Virtually Incredible came about after I was constantly being asked by other property managers how I use video in […]
How To Dominate Google with a YouTube Channel & Real Estate Video ToursDecember 23, 2011 By Todd Breen“Why should I learn to use videos? What’s in it for me?” That’s the single most frequently asked question I get. And the answers can all be found in this video! Remember that Google paid $1.65 BILLION dollars to buy YouTube back in 2005. Why? Because Google wanted to create a multi-media experience for us. […]